Sunday, September 24, 2006

Yet another person with difference

Once Our Honourable President Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam , speaking abt medias role said that Indian media always gives importance to negative issues. The reason media gives for that was people are intrested only in such issues. Even as I was reading a variety of blogs just to educate myself about writing blog, a girl has written about the various headlines in recent news papers and has said that they are more like entertainments, which ought to be read after a tired days at office. They are nothing else other than that. But our President was once referring to a incident in Israel, where when he visited the headlines of all news papers were about a farmer's innovative technique and not about a bombing that killed hundreds ofpersons the day before. So taking our Presidents advice as a example, I also decided to write about positive quality of some personality i like in every alternate post. I had already written about Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam in my previous posts, and this blog is going to be about Kanimozhi, the daughter of tamil nadu Cheif minister, Dr. Kalingar.
The idea of writting this blog actually occured to me as i was watching "coffee with Anu" a vijay TV Show. In fact now a days i feel programs of Vijay TV are better than that of Sun Tvprograms . Ok Let me deal about this things in some other blog, but let me now say something about Kanimozhi. Although i dont like her father much ( not personally but i dont like some of his policies), i like her for the following reasons:
  • Her simplicity
  • Her frankness and uprightness in discussing various issues
  • Her boldness
  • Her Honesty
  • Her decision to not to rest on the laurels of her father but to work hard and create aname for herself in the society

In the Vijay Tv show i was referring too, one person said that DMK badly needs her to gather Female votes. I am absolutely sure she will not get an oppurtunity to read this blog, but my humble request ( Dont we who dont know even what is the weight of a cricket bat, give advice to Sachin on how to bat while watching matches, so what is wrong in myself requsting Kanimozhi, even though she may not even know that a soul called Subramani exist in this world) is that she should not limit herself to DMK. And she should not enter a politics just to become yet another vote gatherer. She definetly has more ability than that. Talking in the same show she said that she doesnt want to enter politics because she may have to make certain compromises. Therefore, i feel that if she really wants to enter politics, she should not end up as some vote gatherer, rather she should enter it with a bang and create a sort of revolution which removes the sort of compromises to be made if a person wants to enter the politics. But to expect her to enter just to get few more votes for DMK, is nothing short of foolishness. Our country badly needs a politician like her with a firm view on all issues. On the other hand, if she feels politics is not her cup of tea, she could do well to continue doing what she does best: Creating a awareness about the various problems in our counrty through her poems and articles.

Lets wait and see what she decides to do in the future


Anonymous said...

2 posts in a single day!!! Way to go...!

Anonymous said...

Hey Subu, Even i watched the same program coffee with anu. Even i was very much amazed about her talents. It would have been more good to mention tat she is against the males who dominates females. NOT in a single occasion, She have been repeating this two or three places, even in Rapid Fire round.. I like that aspect in her, a clear NO to those person. Not to forget she is an excellent poet too..
Remaining, I felt as u felt how the show was. Indeed she is dynamic character.
Its very good to see u have Opened the BLOG. Encore ur works. Include my name in ur fans list.

Ganesh Ranganathan said...

Though I don't know much about Kanimozhi, I consider talk-shows (including coffee with anu\suchi\whatever) one of the most hollow forms of so-called entertainment ever invented. The entire show is scripted beforehand, the reactions are completely practised and there is no naturality in the whole process

Anonymous said...

I am surprised one could judge persons by seeing a talk show. Talk shows are only Talkative shows.As ganesh rightly pointed out there is no naturality in the talk shows.

Subramani Dharmar said...

HI ,

I didnt judje Kanimozhi based on talk shows. I already know abt her and just that show initiated me to write about it. By the way i cant comment on your views about talk shows as frankly I dont have any first hand experience or knowledje about them

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Subbu,
I am surprised that there are people like gullible.
Do you know how she conducts her personal life? She entering politics..ha...why dont dig a bit deeper and see what you can find...these talk shows and interviews are nothing but a farce and an eye-wash. Fooling the viewers and they making money.